Date:  Thursday, June 22, 2023

Start Time:  8:00AM PT/ 10:00AM CT/ 11:00AM ET

Duration: 90 minutes

ArangoDB is a scalable, graph database, document store, and search engine in one solution. Learn how to get started with ArangoGraph Insights platform; ArangoDB’s fully managed Cloud service.

In this 90-minute hands-on lab, you’ll learn how to get started with ArangoDB. We will walk you through getting a basic deployment up and running in minutes. We will then help you create a deployment in ArangoGraph Insights Platform and get you started loading and querying your data.

Lab outline:

  • Register for free on ArangoGraph Insights Platform
  • Introduction to ArangoDB
  • Architecture
  • Locally setting up ArangoDB 
  • Set up ArangoDB on the ArangoGraph Insights Platform
  • Load a dataset
  • Learn the basics of AQL to query your dataset
    • Document
    • Search
    • Dive deep into graph querying
    • Graph Visualization K/V
    • Operationalization
    • Backup
    • Recovery
Cloud Labs 08.06.2023 (1)